
Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our systems allow you to import your list of numbers easily. Once the numbers are imported you can save them as a distribution list and choose to send to them straight away or schedule a message for delivery at a certain time/date.

  • We provide the best and most cost-effective mass mailing services, bulk mailing services, and mass email marketing. We design targeted HTML email campaigns and offer bulk email marketing in India.

  • Bulk voice calls are automated voice calls that are pre-recorded and dialed out automatically. They are often used for political campaigns, reminders, or customer notifications.

  • We are a Digital Marketing Service Provider located in Delhi & Mumbai, offering bulk digital messaging services. We also provide overseas digital marketing services.

  • We accept payments through various online methods, including credit cards, debit cards, net banking, and wallets. After transferring your payment, you will receive an invoice via email. Other accepted payment modes include NEFT/IMPS, cheque, cash, or PayPal.


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We have the ability to assist you to boost your business in desired and positive environment. Several coorporates/companies from different industries and geographics have entrusted BrandRise with the task of managing their Digital Marketing and Brand Building activities.

How It Works

Three Simple Steps to Get Started

Find out about our services below :


Try Free Demo

We offer a free demo for you to test our services.


Upload Campaign Material

Our unified platform allows you to easily upload all types of marketing campaigns.


Reach Your Target

Upload your targeted customer contacts and reach them within seconds.

These three steps make it easy to get started and maximize the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Try Free Demo